Sunday 10 June 2007

I'M BACK!!!!

Hi all,
I'M BACK!!!!
Over the past month I have eaten WHATEVER I wanted and paid the price for it with my health and attitude! But it is all over now. I am going to plan my meals and prepare my snacks. I am back on Points but am adding a Core aspect (focusing on whole foods). I was going to try Core properly but I don't have a lot of control over my evening meals and would end up doubling up on carb groups.

For those of you who don't know, my boyfriend, Ross and I are moving in together in a couple of months and we are really excited about it! We have picked out new furniture and appliances, so it is getting there.

Work has been hectic, but thankfully it is slowing down again and I can keep my blog up-to-date.

I hope everyone is well! I have missed you all and have kept checking your blogs briefly!
Much love!
Marisa xx


Calamity said...

Welcome back Marissa!

Steph said...

welcome back gorgeous girl!! *hugs you*

the past couple of weeks ive eaten whatever i want too! so dont worry about it =)

glad to have you back girl, keep me updated on the moving in situation! xoxo Steph